Fall Harvest Fuel Supply Outlook

As producers prepare to make the push to get all crops harvested safely and in a timely manner, questions about fuel supply, downtime, and possible outages always arise. Every fall season is different and brings different challenges, and AFD is prepared to help you handle those challenges.

CHS is well positioned with Magellan and Nustar terminal inventories coming into the fall harvest season, possibly being one of the better fuel supply positions we have been in for years. CHS has secured additional supply at Wolsey, Sioux Falls, Rock Rapids and Milford terminals in the past few years as well. AFD uses these supply programs and has gallons secured at each one of these terminals. If or when there are outages at select terminals, our efforts will be to use secondary terminals to limit the outage impact.

The V-grade gasoline transition has been completed at most terminals. The A-grade (PRUL) is very tight due to high demand and limited supply. With the transition to V-grade there has been a good amount of A-Grade lifted and blended with V-grade to make UL clear blend (non-ethanol).

Please contact an AFD representative to transition your accounts to the new gasoline products at 1-800-813-3458.

Have a safe harvest!

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