Protecting Your Equipment in Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures can be brutal on your equipment – especially on moving parts inside the engine. That’s why using a synthetic lubricant is a critical part of protecting the investment you’ve made in your machinery. Synthetic lubricants provide premium protection to your engine, even in the most extreme temperatures.

In hot weather

As we move into summer and temperatures increase, your engine turns into an oven during operation. This is especially true with newer diesel engines, which, because of their advanced design, can run 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than older-model engines, resulting in a more efficient, “cleaner” burn.

A synthetic lubricant provides enhanced protection to your equipment in the hot summer weather of peak growing season. Without a lubricant that can take the heat, moving parts inside an engine can experience intense friction. Using a synthetic lubricant is a smart precaution to protect your equipment from added wear caused by thermal oxidization and engine sludge.

So, what makes synthetic lubricants resilient even in scorching temperatures? The answer lies underneath the microscope. The molecules that make up a synthetic lubricant’s base oil are engineered to be consistent in shape and size. This uniformity, down to a microscopic level, means that synthetic lubes run cooler and resist oxidation longer—because they are tailor-made for exceptional stability and to perform better.

In cold weather

Chilly weather can also be detrimental to your machinery. When it’s cold, the oil you put in your equipment can run thicker, keeping it from moving smoothly throughout your engine. And when it comes to your hydraulic system, thickened oil can cause cold parts to be slow and jerky. A synthetic lubricant, though, keeps its viscosity even in frigid temperatures, avoiding damaging metal-on-metal friction.

High-grade synthetics like Maxtron® Enviro-Edge diesel engine oils are formulated to remove paraffin wax, a naturally occurring part of crude oil. By removing this wax, synthetic lubes are far less susceptible to thickening.

At both ends of the thermometer, extreme temperatures can take a toll on your equipment. Using a synthetic lubricant, though, can protect your assets no matter what the weather is outside.

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